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Library Assessment

In support of the College Mission and Vision statement and the Library & Learning Resources (LLR) mission, the Library acts as both a provider of information resources and services, as well a provider of instruction. As such, the library  assesses both service area outcomes and a student learning outcome for the purpose of outcome assessment. 

Library Outcomes

Library Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) are used to assess the level of efficiency and effectiveness of service areas in support of the department’s mission. The library’s service area outcomes are as follows:

  1. Provides collections sufficient to support the teaching and learning mission of the college
  2. Provide library services and programs responsive to the academic needs of and in collaboration with the college community
  3. Provide physical and virtual spaces that supports both collaborative and independent research and learning, and that promote effective access and use of information resources.

The Library's Student Learning Outcome reads:

  • Upon successful completion of library instruction, a student is able to locate, evaluate and use information appropriately


The library's SLO maps directly to both the College’s General Education Learning Outcome (GELO) Area B - Written Composition #4 and the Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO) 1 - Critical Thinking and Information Competency B. 

  • GELO Area B #4 (Select and integrate reliable, credible, and scholarly sources to support essays, using a standardized citation format).
  • ILO 1 B (Locate, evaluate, and use information appropriately).



Assessment Plan 2021-2024

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Library & Learning Resources, City College of San Francisco
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | 415-452-5541